A Hora Sexta Lyrics Translation in English

Jacira Silva
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Desde a hora sexta até a hora nona

From the sixth hour to the ninth hour

Houve trevas sobre a terra, e tudo escureceu

There were darkness over the land, and everything became dark

Por volta da hora nona, quando tudo estava escuro

Around the ninth hour, when everything was dark

Jesus bradou bem alto, e algo estranho aconteceu

Jesus cried out loudly, and something strange happened

Deus meu, por que me desamparaste?

My God, why have you forsaken me?

Os meus amigos me desprezaram, e o meu sangue derramou

My friends despised me, and my blood was shed

Meu coração como cera se derreteu

My heart melted like wax

Me derramei como água

I poured out like water

Mas o Senhor é o meu Deus

But the Lord is my God

Assim que Cristo expirou, o véu logo se rasgou

As soon as Christ expired, the veil immediately tore

A terra também tremeu e as rochas se fenderam

The earth also trembled, and the rocks split

Abriram-se os sepulcros, e os santos ressuscitaram

The tombs were opened, and the saints were resurrected

Estava tudo consumado, e Jesus é o vencedor

It was all accomplished, and Jesus is the victor

Added by Diogo Sousa
Bissau, Guinea-Bissau February 2, 2025
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