Endereço da Zona Lyrics Translation in English
Brenno e MatheusPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Como de costume eu saí do trabalho
As usual, I left work
Pra tomar uma gelada
To have a cold one
No bar da judite
At Judite's bar
Chegando lá, avistei alguns parceiros famosos
Arriving there, I spotted some famous buddies
Pés de cana
Heavy drinkers
Secadores de alambique
Distillers' dry throats
Minha mulher ligou, eu desliguei
My wife called, I hung up
Ela retornou, ignorei
She called back, I ignored
Mas eu caí das perna quando eu avistei
But I stumbled when I saw
Minha mulher descobriu o endereço da zona
My wife found out the address of the red-light district
E foi pau, foi lona
It was trouble, it was a fight
Saí machucado
I left injured
Voou as amiga pra todo lado
The friends scattered everywhere
Added by
Sara Fernandes
Lisbon, Portugal
February 2, 2025
Pulo a Janela
Cabelo Loiro
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