Meu Grande Herói Lyrics Translation in English
Ministério Arca VivaPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Meu grande herói rejeitado pela multidão,
My great hero rejected by the crowd,
Meu grande rei coroado por espinhos,
My great king crowned with thorns,
Humilhado foi, mas sofreu sem reclamar.
He was humiliated, but suffered without complaining.
Ele era vinho, mas a morte o esperava,
He was wine, but death awaited him,
Era destino o seu traçado já estava.
Destiny was his path, already set.
E entre dois ladrões foi pendurado em uma cruz,
And between two thieves, he was hung on a cross,
O seu nome era Jesus.
His name was Jesus.
O meu herói hoje tem vestes claras,
My hero today wears bright clothes,
E em seu rosto brilha uma luz.
And on his face shines a light.
Ele traz em suas mãos as marcas,
He carries in his hands the marks,
Dos cravos que o pregaram numa cruz.
Of the nails that nailed him to a cross.
Se eu estiver perdido no vale,
If I am lost in the valley,
Ou no profundo dos mares,
Or in the depths of the seas,
O meu herói irá me ver, e antes que, tudo se acabe,
My hero will see me, and before everything ends,
Eu clamarei o seu nome,
I will cry out his name,
E Ele virá me socorrer, e me fará viver.
And He will come to help me, and make me live.