Libra e Escorpião Lyrics Translation in English
Agente XPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Ela passou, e nao reparou
She passed by, and didn't notice
Que vc ficou atonico...
That you were thunderstruck...
E que procurou achar explicaçao
And that you sought to find an explanation
Resolver aquela perfeiçao
To solve that perfection
Nem chacrete da televisão
Not even the TV showgirl
Te chamava tanta ateção, atenção.
Called so much attention, attention.
Me pediu a chave do meu carro
She asked me for the key to my car
Pra causar uma boa impressão
To make a good impression
E lá da esquina fez sinal com a mão
And from the corner, she signaled with her hand
Quando ela disse porque não.
When she said, "Why not?"
Ela é de libra e ele de escorpião...
She is a Libra, and he's a Scorpio...
E ai então, o céu abriu
And then, the sky opened up
E uma canção recem composta tocou...
And a newly composed song played...
E aquela moça que antes ria de amor
And that girl who used to laugh at love
Naquela tarde se entregou!
On that afternoon, she surrendered!
E aquela moça que antes ria de amor
And that girl who used to laugh at love
Naquela tarde se entregou!
On that afternoon, she surrendered!