Sentença de Morte Lyrics Translation in English

Benjamin Rodrigues
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Ninguém no mundo quis sofrer como Jesus sofreu

No one in the world wanted to suffer like Jesus suffered

Ninguém iria suportar o que ele suportou

No one would endure what he endured

Aquele que só fez o bem sozinho agora sem ninguém

The one who only did good, now alone without anyone

A cruz pesada em seus ombros ele carregou

The heavy cross on his shoulders he carried

Como réu ele foi condenado pele homem foi crucificado

As a defendant, he was condemned, by man crucified

Calado tudo suportou sem nada reclamar

Silently endured everything without a single complaint

Seu sangue ele derramou e a culpa consigo levou

He shed his blood and carried the guilt with him

Por sua morte lá na cruz hoje posso cantar

Because of his death on the cross, today I can sing

Açoite ele recebeu perante a multidão

He received lashes before the crowd

A sua sentença e morte recebeu então

His sentence and death he then received

Foi morto, mas ressuscitou e sobre morte triunfou

He was killed but resurrected and triumphed over death

E hoje vive eternamente no meu coração

And today lives eternally in my heart

Added by Cátia Silva
Salvador, Brazil September 6, 2024
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