Mulher Adúltera Lyrics Translation in English
Gerson RufinoPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Numa certa manhã,na cidade em jerusalem
In a certain morning, in the city of Jerusalem
Cometendo um erro fatal,não pensou que seria o final
Committing a fatal mistake, didn't think it would be the end
Veio a pecar
Came to sin
E trouxeram maria,aos péis do nosso senhor
And they brought Mary to the feet of our Lord
Interrogaram ali nosso mestre,dizendo a ele senhor acontece,
They interrogated our master there, saying to him, Lord, it happened,
Que essa mulher pecou
That this woman has sinned
( 2 vezes) e tentaram pressionar jesus,que era preciso a ela pedrejar
(Twice) And they tried to pressure Jesus, saying it was necessary to stone her
Usando ali de falcidade para o acusar
Using falsehood to accuse her
Mas jesus conhecendo o seus pensamentos,escrevia naquele momento
But Jesus, knowing their thoughts, wrote at that moment
E para eles assim falou,se na lei apedrejar foi que moiseis mandou...
And he spoke to them like this, if in the law stoning was commanded by Moses...
Então atire a primeira pedra aquele que nunca pecou
Then let him who is without sin cast the first stone
E quando ouviram isso,sairam um a um, a começar pelo mais velho
And when they heard this, they left one by one, starting with the oldest
Até os ultimosficando só jesus e mulher que estava ali no meio,
Until the last, leaving only Jesus and the woman who was there in the middle
E endireitando se jesus e não vendo ninguem mais do que a mulher
And Jesus, straightening up and seeing no one else but the woman
Que estava ali no meio,disse lhe:mulher,onde os teus acusadores?
Who was there in the middle, said to her: Woman, where are your accusers?
Ninguem te condenou?e ela disse:ninguem senhor!e disse lhe jesus:
No one has condemned you? And she said: No one, Lord! And Jesus said to her:
Nem eu tambem te condeno,vai-te e não peques mais.(volta...e tentaram pressionar...)
Neither do I condemn you; go, and sin no more. (Return... and they tried to pressure...)