Os Orignais Lyrics Translation in English
Léo e RaphaelPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Peguei o galo de soco porque ele
Took the punch rooster because it
Cantou mais cedo
Sang too early
Quando me olhei no espelho me
When I looked at myself in the mirror, I
Emocionei até fiquei com medo
Got emotional, even got scared
Desacreditaram que a gente
They didn't believe that we
Tinha potencial, falaram que
Had potential, they said
O povo rural
The rural people
Nasceu pra ficar no curral
Were born to stay in the corral
Quer respeitar as origens?
Want to respect the origins?
Então respeita os originais
Then respect the originals
Um recado pros copiador
A message to the imitators
Nem tenta fazer igual
Don't even try to do the same
E os caipiras chegou
And the country folks arrived
E aí? O que cê faz?
So, what do you do?
Ranca essas modinha é de Tião
Drop those trendy songs, it's from Tião
Pra trás
Vai tocar nos churrascos
Will play at barbecues
Vai bater em primeiro no Spotify
Will hit first on Spotify