Nóias Lyrics Translation in English

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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Deus chora, e eu me revolto, não quero você assim

God weeps, and I revolt, I don't want you like this

Se afundando, sua cova cavando e arquitetando seu fim

Sinking, digging your grave and plotting your end

Eh assim, doidão, eu explico pra vc

That's how it is, crazy, let me explain to you

Que eh embaçado, o caminho eh errado e vc soh tem a perder...

It's tough, the path is wrong, and you only have to lose...

O que fazer...nada mais agora tem valor

What to do... nothing matters now

Tv, dvd, radio, vc jah fumo e acabou

TV, DVD, radio, you've smoked it all and it's over

Com os sonhos da sua coroa q queria vc com um trampo, ou estudando de boa, e não a toa

With the dreams of your mother who wanted you to have a job or study peacefully, and not in vain

Sem nenhuma perspectiva

Without any perspective

Eh soh parasitando, rolê de noite, dormi de dia

Just parasitizing, roaming at night, sleeping during the day

Quem diria, não não, ninguem flava, com uma mina tao linda daquela, vc naum a valorizava

Who would have thought, no, no one spoke, with such a beautiful girl, you didn't appreciate her

Não queria nada com nada, a desbaratinava, dexava de beijar ela, pra beja lata

Wanted nothing with nothing, confused, stopped kissing her to kiss the can

Criptonita, cepita, fik bem loko...

Kryptonite, weed, getting really crazy...

Deus te observa, e morre de desgosto...

God watches you and dies of disgust...

Vejo os nóia se acabar

I see the addicts destroying themselves

Nessas drogas se afundar

Drowning in these drugs

Me entristeço a olhar

I get sad looking at it

Acho que deus tmb...

I think God does too...

Essa eh da boa da hora olha soh, chapo o globo, de novo, vc descabelado que nem loko

This one's good, look, I hit the pipe again, you disheveled like crazy

O video, rapela o som, os dvds, seu destino uma boka aos poucos pra vc morrer

The video, scrape the sound, the DVDs, your destiny slowly for you to die

Tah seco, tah magro, com o olho lah no fundo

You're dry, you're thin, with your eyes deep

Jah naum troca mais ideia, num fla tah mudo

Already not exchanging ideas, not speaking, you're mute

A sua mãe tah preocupada a grana do aluguel sumiu

Your mother is worried, the rent money disappeared

Perguntou pra vc, mas cê falo q naum viu

She asked you, but you said you didn't see

Tah se atrasando, os manos do outro lado que seu fim

You're falling behind, the guys on the other side want your end

Seus inimigos tão se armando, quer ver vc cair

Your enemies are arming themselves, they want to see you fall

Era 11 horas se tava na boca cherando, fumando todas

It was 11 o'clock, you were on the corner sniffing, smoking all

A morte chegaca, se aproximava e vc fumando na boa

Death was coming, getting closer, and you smoking calmly

Inevitável tiroteio, pipoco pra todo lado

Unavoidable shootout, shots everywhere

Em questão de segundos, no chão, vc estirado

In a matter of seconds, on the ground, you stretched out

Cuspindo sangue, com o corpo todo furado, implorando, pedindo perdão pros seus pecados...

Spitting blood, with your whole body shot, begging, asking for forgiveness for your sins...

Vejo os nóia se acabar

I see the addicts destroying themselves

Nessas drogas se afundar

Drowning in these drugs

Me entristeço a olhar

I get sad looking at it

Acho que deus tmb...

I think God does too...

E com oito tiros no corpo, sua mente voltou a funcionar, se arrependeu, sera q deus vai te salvar??

And with eight shots in your body, your mind started working again, regretted, will God save you??

Sua mãe tah do seu lado, rezando com seu rosário, com as mãos cheias de sangue, tentando tapar os buracos

Your mother is by your side, praying with her rosary, hands full of blood, trying to cover the holes

"a ambulância tah chegando mano, aguenta firme..."

"The ambulance is coming, man, hold on..."

E na sua mente, alucinações, passando um filme

And in your mind, hallucinations, a movie passing

Vc viu fogo, viu luz, ouviu choro ouviu gargalhada, o choro de jesus, satanás dando risada

You saw fire, saw light, heard crying, heard laughter, Jesus crying, Satan laughing

Vc ouviu uma voz alta q te dizia:

You heard a loud voice telling you:

"o que que adianto, vc troca sua familia, por vadias, baladas e essa tal de pedra

"What's the use, you trade your family for sluts, parties, and this thing called crack

Quem tah do seu lado agora naum eh aquela, que vc robou, bateu, chingo, ignoro

Who's by your side now is not the one you stole, hit, insulted, ignored

Kdê seus amiguinhos?? kdê?? sumiu, evaporo

Where are your little friends?? Where?? Gone, vanished

Agora tah com saudade, queria ta perto derla

Now you miss them, you wish you were close to her

Pq naum deu valor quando tava junto com ela..."

Because you didn't value her when you were with her..."

Agora eh tarde, mais deus vai t dar uma chance

Now it's late, but God will give you a chance

Soh q cê num vai vive anda na terra como antes

But you won't live on earth as before

Ouvir, sua mãe reza, implorar pra vc volta

Hear your mother praying, begging you to come back

O máximo que deus vai fazer, eh te perdoar

The most God will do is forgive you

O perdão vc jah teve, bem vindo ao seu novo lar, aqui eh o paraíso onde q cê vai ficar

You've already had forgiveness, welcome to your new home, this is the paradise where you'll stay

Soh não pude evitar, uma dor no coração

I just couldn't help but feel a pain in my heart

Da sua mãe desesperada que chora no seu caxão..

From your desperate mother crying in your coffin...

"aí, o crack financia sua viagem, com passaporte soh de ida

"Hey, crack funds your journey, with a one-way passport

E sem vc perceber ele acaba com a sua vida

And without you realizing, it ends your life

Historias tristes, que acontecem todo dia

Sad stories that happen every day

Nos becos, nas vielas, na periferia..."

In alleys, in lanes, in the periphery..."

Added by Hugo Costa
Luanda, Angola September 13, 2024
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