Lotus 72D Lyrics Translation in English

Zé Roberto (José Roberto / Paulo Braga)
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Lotus, Lotus, Lotus 72D-D-D

Lotus, Lotus, Lotus 72D-D-D

Lotus, Lotus, Lotus 72D-D-D

Lotus, Lotus, Lotus 72D-D-D

É a máquina do tempo e, na velocidade, não tem igual

It's the time machine, and at speed, it has no equal

E num grande torneio de caráter

And in a great tournament of character

Internacional de Fórmula 1

International Formula 1

O nosso brasileiro foi convidado pra participar

Our Brazilian was invited to participate

Na sua condição de campeão, de campeão mundial

In his condition as a champion, a world champion

Na nossa praça de esportes

In our sports square

Interlagos, na nossa capital

Interlagos, in our capital

São Paulo, terra da garoa

São Paulo, land of drizzle

Com calor surpreendente de 38 graus

With a surprising heat of 38 degrees

Atenção, atenção

Attention, attention

Foi dada a largada principal, o nosso Emerson na frente

The main start was given, our Emerson in the lead

Atingindo a velocidade máxima que seu carro tem

Reaching the maximum speed that his car has

Na Curva do Laranja ele parou

At Orange Curve, he stopped

Pra tomar uma vitamina

To take a vitamin

Na Curva do S, quem não sabia escrever

At S Curve, those who couldn't write

Se deu mal, saiu da pista

Got in trouble, went off the track

Na Curva do Cotovelo ele saiu-se

At Elbow Curve, he managed

Maravilhosamente bem

Marvelously well

Na Curva do Sargento ele comandava os competidores

At Sergeant Curve, he commanded the competitors

Como general

Like a general

E a turma de fora, espantada, assistindo à corrida

And the foreign crowd, astonished, watching the race

Se orgulhava e vibrava

Was proud and cheered

Com a vitória do nosso campeão

With the victory of our champion

Vem chegando a reta de chegada

The finish straight is approaching

A reta final

The final straight

O nosso Emerson na frente vem despontando

Our Emerson is emerging in the lead

E todo mundo gritava com grande emoção

And everyone shouted with great emotion

Salve, Emerson, 73

Hail, Emerson, 73

Salve, Emerson, 73

Hail, Emerson, 73

Salve, Emerson, 73

Hail, Emerson, 73

Salve, Emerson, 73

Hail, Emerson, 73

Added by Andreia Silva
Faro, Portugal November 21, 2024
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