Tudo Mudou Lyrics Translation in English

Chico da Silva
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation



Meu pandeiro de couro se modificou

My leather pandeiro has changed

O pregresso da arte o plastificou

The progress of art has plasticized it

A viola de pinho se eletrificou

The pine guitar has electrified itself

Tudo mudou

Everything has changed



Já existe uma orquestra num só instrumento

There is already an orchestra in a single instrument

A ciência aniquila com nosso talento

Science annihilates our talent

E o artista é que sofre com esse advento

And the artist is the one who suffers from this advent

Tudo mudou

Everything has changed



O idioma gritando cadê meu capricho?

The language shouting, where is my craftsmanship?

É o pacas, é o putes

It's amazing, it's crazy

É o pow, falo bicho

It's pow, I speak, my friend

Pra cultura primária o esforço mudou

For primary culture, effort has changed

O mental mudou

Mental has changed

Não comunicou

Did not communicate

É o Brasil país que tem seu dialeto

It's Brazil, a country that has its dialect

O ok não é nosso, não é o concreto

Ok is not ours, it's not concrete

A corruptela de estar ficaria mais certo

The corrupted form of 'to be' would be more correct

Tudo mudou

Everything has changed



O abraço não chora pra quem vai partir

The hug doesn't cry for those who are leaving

O adeus não conversa com que vai ficar

Goodbye doesn't talk to those who are staying

O sorriso não fala pra quem vai sorrir

The smile doesn't speak for those who will smile

Tudo mudou

Everything has changed



O olhar não tem graça pra quem vai olhar

The gaze has no charm for those who will look

Só Deus desse mundo foi quem não mudou

Only God in this world is the one who hasn't changed

E o mundo de Deus ainda esta no lugar

And God's world is still in its place

Mas o resto mudou e como mudou

But the rest has changed and how it has changed

O menino proveta se enche de glória

The prophet boy is filled with glory

A ciência da vida perdeu a memória

The science of life has lost its memory

Ou será que o amor vai sair da história

Or is love going to leave the story?

Tudo mudou

Everything has changed

Tudo mudou

Everything has changed



Added by André Costa
Maputo, Mozambique February 25, 2025
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