Anjos Da Terra Lyrics Translation in English
Dércio MarquesPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Mas olha quanta gente que passa
But look how many people pass by
Sem controlar o sorriso
Without controlling their smile
São meninos da terra
They are children of the earth
São meninos da lua
They are children of the moon
Brincando de amor
Playing with love
Ao redor do mundo
Around the world
Anjos da terra
Angels of the earth
Beijos de maio
May kisses
Mães da alegria
Mothers of joy
Que vem da lua
Coming from the moon
Desce de um raio
Descending from a lightning
Cheio de estrela
Full of stars
Brilho do sol
Brightness of the sun
Sol virou lua
Sun turned into the moon
Brincar na rua
Playing on the street
Sou um sonhador.
I am a dreamer
Added by
Pedro Sousa
Luanda, Angola
January 12, 2025
Colombina (part. Ed. Motta)
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