Lindo Lago do Amor Lyrics Translation in English
Do AmorPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
E bem que viu o bem-te-vi
And the bem-te-vi bird indeed saw
A sabiá sabia já
The sabiá bird already knew
A lua só olhou pro sol
The moon only looked at the sun
A chuva abençoou
The rain blessed
O vento diz "ele é feliz"
The wind says "he is happy"
A águia quis saber
The eagle wanted to know
Por quê, por que, por qual será
Why, why, what might it be
O sapo entregou
The frog gave away
Ele tomou um banho d'água fresca
He took a refreshing water bath
No lindo lago do amor
In the beautiful lake of love
Maravilhosamente clara água
Wonderfully clear water
No lindo lago do amor
In the beautiful lake of love
Added by
Jorge Santos
Bissau, Guinea-Bissau
January 1, 2025
Hino de Criciúma - SC
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