Com Outra Na Bodona (part. Us Agroboy, PPA e Felipe & Rodrigo) Lyrics Translation in English

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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Ela entra em choque quando vê

She goes into shock when she sees

Eu com outra na bodona e os gravão batendo alto

Me with another on the big motorcycle and the speakers blasting loud

A gata foi me desmerecer

The girl tried to discredit me

Não me quis quando era lama, não me pega no asfalto

Didn't want me when I was mud, doesn't catch me on the asphalt

Lembra aquele tempo que tudo era vaca magra

Remember that time when everything was skinny cows

A única coisa que eu tinha era meu chapéu de palha

The only thing I had was my straw hat

Aluguei uma pampinha pra tentar sair com a gata

Rented a little field to try to go out with the girl

Ela ignorava

She ignored me

Hoje escuta meu som a três quadras de casa

Now my sound is heard three blocks away from home

Estourado na agricultura e na pecuária

Exploded in agriculture and livestock

E treme na base toda hora que o cowboy passa

And shakes every time the cowboy passes by

Ela entra em choque quando vê

She goes into shock when she sees

Eu com outra na bodona e os gravão batendo alto

Me with another on the big motorcycle and the speakers blasting loud

A gata foi me desmerecer

The girl tried to discredit me

Não me quis quando era lama, não me pega no asfalto

Didn't want me when I was mud, doesn't catch me on the asphalt

Ela entra em choque quando vê

She goes into shock when she sees

Eu com outra na bodona e os gravão batendo alto

Me with another on the big motorcycle and the speakers blasting loud

A gata foi me desmerecer

The girl tried to discredit me

Não me quis quando era lama, não me pega no asfalto

Didn't want me when I was mud, doesn't catch me on the asphalt

Vem no solinho do Godoy

Comes in Godoy's solo



É por isso que ela me pergunta o que eu tô fazendo

That's why she asks me what I'm doing

Sobre isso se a média já era boa hoje só tá crescendo

About this, if the average was good, now it's only growing

Pra não escutar cê vai ter que mudar de saudade e de cep

To not listen, you'll have to change your longing and your address

Senão vai ouvir PPA, Us Agroboy e Felipe & Rodrigo na caminhonete

Otherwise, you'll hear PPA, Us Agroboy, and Felipe & Rodrigo in the pickup truck

Ela entra em choque quando vê

She goes into shock when she sees

Eu com outra na bodona e os gravão batendo alto

Me with another on the big motorcycle and the speakers blasting loud

A gata foi me desmerecer

The girl tried to discredit me

Não me quis quando era lama, não me pega no asfalto

Didn't want me when I was mud, doesn't catch me on the asphalt

Lembra aquele tempo que tudo era vaca magra

Remember that time when everything was skinny cows

A única coisa que eu tinha era meu chapéu de palha

The only thing I had was my straw hat

Aluguei uma pampinha pra tentar sair com a gata

Rented a little field to try to go out with the girl

Added by Fabio Santos
Luanda, Angola March 16, 2025
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