Alem do Sobrenatural Lyrics Translation in English

Giliard Lima e Tamires Oliveira
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

O teu vento soprou...minha vida formou

Your wind blew... formed my life

Do barro me fez semelhante a um rei!

From the clay made me similar to a king!

Ao encontro com o teu amor

To the encounter with your love

E a fé em mim plantou (assim se fez)

And planted faith in me (thus it was done)

Me formastes e aqui estou

You formed me, and here I am

Pra servir ao grande eu sou

To serve the great I am

Foi pra te adorar que nasci

I was born to worship you

Foi pra te louvar que me fez

You made me to praise you

Pois sem tua presença sou pó, sou cinza!

For without your presence, I am dust, I am ashes!

Foi pra servir que me ungiu

I was anointed to serve

Foi pra te chamar de senhor e pai

I was called to call you Lord and Father

Que morreu na cruz por mim...

Who died on the cross for me...

Vou te adorar além do sobrenatural

I will worship you beyond the supernatural

Vou te buscar além do sobrenatural

I will seek you beyond the supernatural

Vou te servir além do sobrenatural

I will serve you beyond the supernatural

Em minha vida!

In my life!

Added by Nuno Santos
Bissau, Guinea-Bissau March 4, 2025
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