Canção do CPM Lyrics Translation in English
Hinos e Marchas MilitaresPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Bem dizemos nesta hora o nosso fado
We say at this moment our fate
Erguendo nossa voz à amplidão
Raising our voice to the vastness
Numa prece ao supremo potentado
In a prayer to the supreme potentate
Enviada através desta canção
Sent through this song
Muito grato senhor, por nosso templo
Very grateful, sir, for our temple
Relicário da Ciência e do Saber
Reliquary of Science and Knowledge
No presente se vislumbra o exemplo
In the present, the example is glimpsed
No futuro paradigma há de ser
In the future, a paradigm it shall be
Velho sonho de muito acalentado
Old dream long cherished
E nutrido com singela esperança
And nurtured with simple hope
E enfim anelo concretizado
And finally, the yearning realized
Marcando era de progresso e bonança
Marking an era of progress and prosperity
Numa frase de Ruy foi inspirada
In a phrase by Ruy it was inspired
A razão principal do nosso lema
The main reason for our motto
A pena desbrava o campo à espada
The pen clears the field like the sword
E se irmanam formando nosso emblema
And they join together forming our emblem
É mister neste instante relembrar
It is necessary at this moment to remember
A honra, o dever, a retidão
Honor, duty, righteousness
Virtudes que devemos cultivar
Virtues that we must cultivate
Buscando a glória, ideal a perfeição
Seeking glory, the ideal of perfection