Hino à Hécate Lyrics Translation in English
ÍcarosPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Vai-se o dia, sobe a Lua
The day departs, the Moon ascends
Álgida treva no arco celeste
Frigid darkness in the celestial arch
Olhai de frente a sombra nua
Look straight at the naked shadow
Pés ao caminho do bosque agreste
Feet to the path of the wild forest
Ladra lá longe, augúrio da Sorte
Barks far away, omen of Fate
Cães do abismo, porteiro da Morte
Dogs of the abyss, gatekeeper of Death
Árvore egrégia na encruzilhada
Noble tree at the crossroads
Gélido altar na bruma estrelada
Icy altar in the starry mist
À fria luz do silêncio astral
In the cold light of astral silence
Sibilam os ventos por entre as pragas
The winds hiss amid the curses
Conclave na névoa da Hoste Espectral
Conclave in the mist of the Spectral Host
Mais trasgos e bruxas, corujas e magas
More goblins and witches, owls and sorceresses
Pálida face de lívido plasma
Pale face of livid plasma
Em trono augusto de funda caverna
In august throne of deep cavern
Tríplice Rainha da Corte Fantasma
Triple Queen of the Phantom Court
Reina Suprema na Noite Eterna
Reigns Supreme in the Eternal Night
Urdindo sortilégio
Weaving enchantment
Pedindo privilégio
Begging for privilege
À Vingadora
To the Avenger
Khaire Hécate
Hail Hecate
Khaire Hécate
Hail Hecate