Interminado Lyrics Translation in English
InphasePortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Diz pra mim levar a vida mais serio
Tell me to take life more seriously
Diz pra eu sorrir quando eu nao quero
Tell me to smile when I don't want to
agora vc fica mandando eu me concertar
Now you keep telling me to fix myself
vc nunca gostou de mim eu nao vou te conquistar
You never liked me; I won't win you over
Nariz empinado
Snooty nose
sem coracao
deu tudo errado
Everything went wrong
vc nao tem perdao
You have no forgiveness
quis vc sempre pra mim
I wanted you always for me
foi um desastre
It was a disaster
acho que é o fim
I think it's the end
foi assim
It was like that
nao tivemos chances
We didn't have chances
eh melhor pra mim...
It's better for me...
foi assim
It was like that
nao volto atras
I won't go back
acho q esse eh o fim!!
I think this is the end!!