Casaca de couro Lyrics Translation in English

Jackson do Pandeiro
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Xô, xô, xô, xô

Away, away, away, away


Leather jacket

Cantando as duas na teia (telha)

Singing both on the roof (tile)

Cantando as duas na teia (telha)

Singing both on the roof (tile)

Xô, xô, xô, xô

Away, away, away, away


Leather jacket

Cantando as duas na teia (telha)

Singing both on the roof (tile)

Cantando as duas na teia (telha)

Singing both on the roof (tile)

Parece um arapuá

It looks like a trap

Cheio de vara e algodão

Full of sticks and cotton

O ninho de uma casaca

The nest of a leather jacket

Não parece ninho não

Doesn't look like a nest at all

Parece mais os parceiros

It looks more like the partners

Dos "pajaú" do sertão

Of the "pajaú" from the hinterland

Xô, xô, xô, xô

Away, away, away, away


Leather jacket

Cantando as duas na teia (telha)

Singing both on the roof (tile)

Cantando as duas na teia (telha)

Singing both on the roof (tile)

Xô, xô, xô, xô

Away, away, away, away


Leather jacket

Cantando as duas na teia (telha)

Singing both on the roof (tile)

Cantando as duas na teia (telha)

Singing both on the roof (tile)

Em riba do pé de turco

On top of the turkey foot

Tem um ninho de graveto

There's a nest made of twigs

Tem garrancho de jurema

There's a tangle of jurema

Tem pau branco, tem pau preto

There's white wood, there's black wood

Tem lenha que dá pra facho

There's firewood for a torch

Tem vara que dá espeto

There's a stick for a skewer

Xô, xô, xô, xô

Away, away, away, away


Leather jacket

Cantando as duas na teia (telha)

Singing both on the roof (tile)

Cantando as duas na teia (telha)

Singing both on the roof (tile)

Xô, xô, xô, xô

Away, away, away, away


Leather jacket

Cantando as duas na teia (telha)

Singing both on the roof (tile)

Cantando as duas na teia (telha)

Singing both on the roof (tile)

Uma grita, outra responde

One shouts, the other responds

Uma baixa, outra também

One lowers, the other does the same

Parece mulher pilando

It looks like a woman pounding

Pro mode fazer xerém

To make hominy

Subindo e descendo as asas

Going up and down the wings

Como o seio do meu bem

Like the bosom of my love

Xô, xô, xô, xô

Away, away, away, away


Leather jacket

Cantando as duas na teia (telha)

Singing both on the roof (tile)

Cantando as duas na teia (telha)

Singing both on the roof (tile)

Xô, xô, xô, xô

Away, away, away, away


Leather jacket

Cantando as duas na teia (telha)

Singing both on the roof (tile)

Cantando as duas na teia (telha)

Singing both on the roof (tile)

Eu nunca vi desafio

I've never seen a challenge

Mais bonito, mais iguá

More beautiful, more equal

Duas casacas-de-couro

Two leather jackets

Quando começa a cantar

When they start to sing

Parece dois violeiros

They look like two guitarists

Num galope à beira-mar

In a gallop by the seaside

Uma grita, outra responde

One shouts, the other responds

Uma baixa, outra também

One lowers, the other does the same

Parece mulher pilando

It looks like a woman pounding

Pro mode fazer xerém

To make hominy

Subindo e descendo as asas

Going up and down the wings

Como o seio do meu bem

Like the bosom of my love

Xô, xô, xô, xô

Away, away, away, away


Leather jacket

Cantando as duas na teia (telha)

Singing both on the roof (tile)

Cantando as duas na teia (telha)

Singing both on the roof (tile)

Xô, xô, xô, xô

Away, away, away, away


Leather jacket

Cantando as duas na teia (telha)

Singing both on the roof (tile)

Cantando as duas na teia (telha)

Singing both on the roof (tile)

Added by Carla Fernandes
São Paulo, Brazil March 2, 2025
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