Marcas da Dor Lyrics Translation in English
Leni SilvaPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
A cruz no chão
The cross on the ground
Ao seu lado um carrasco e o martelo na mão
By his side, an executioner with a hammer in hand
Olhando os pregos e a multidão
Looking at the nails and the crowd
Sentiu grande vazio no seu coração
Felt a great emptiness in his heart
Pegaram o mestre deitaram sobre a cruz
They took the master, laid him on the cross
Abriram seus braços não viram sua luz
Opened his arms, didn't see his light
Juntaram seus pés chamaram o carrasco
Joined his feet, called the executioner
Ele se chegou
He approached
E ao lado do mestre se agachou
And crouched beside the master
E o martelo subiu, subiu, subiu
And the hammer went up, up, up
Sobre os pregos desceu, desceu, desceu
On the nails it came down, down, down
E bateu, bateu, bateu, bateu, bateu
And it struck, struck, struck, struck, struck
Ergueram a cruz lá estava pregado do mundo a luz
They raised the cross, there the light of the world was nailed
Nenhum gemido sequer soltou
Not a single groan was released
Todos viram em seu rosto a marca da dor
All saw on his face the mark of pain
Seu sangue jorrando, batendo no chão
His blood pouring, beating on the ground
Viu em todos os homens a ingratidão
He saw ingratitude in all men
Mas não se irou pediu ao Pai perdão e o Pai perdoou
But he did not get angry, asked the Father for forgiveness, and the Father forgave
Recebeu seu espírito e chorou
Received his spirit and wept
Sua cabeça tombou, tombou, tombou
His head fell, fell, fell
Sobre o peito caiu, caiu, caiu
Onto his chest it fell, fell, fell
E morreu, morreu, morreu, morreu, morreu
And he died, died, died, died, died
Tudo silêncio, nem as aves cantavam
All silence, not even the birds were singing
Nem um som se ouvia
No sound was heard
Maria olhou a tumba vazia e ninguém se
Mary looked at the empty tomb, and no one
Lembrou que era o terceiro dia a tampa do túmulo
Remembered it was the third day, the tomb's cover
Estava caída meu mestre já tinha voltado à vida
Was fallen; my master had already returned to life
Onde está o meu mestre? Gritava Maria
"Where is my master?" Mary cried
Quem o escondeu? Uma voz conhecida se fez ouvir
Who hid him? A familiar voice was heard
Quem procuras Maria? Eis-me aqui, eis-me aqui
"Whom are you seeking, Mary? Here I am, here I am"
Ao teu lado estou, estou, estou
By your side I am, am, am
Estou vivo, estou vivo, estou vivo, estou vivo
I am alive, I am alive, I am alive, I am alive
Vivo estou
Alive I am