Pula Pra Lá, Pula Pra Cá Lyrics Translation in English
Maysa AlvesPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Eu acho linda a abelhinha
I find the little bee beautiful
Que voa, voa lá no céu
That flies, flies up in the sky
Ela pousa na florzinha
It lands on the little flower
Faz um movimento assim
Makes a movement like this
Deixa doce, doce mel
Leaves sweet, sweet honey
A florzinha fecha quando está chovendo
The little flower closes when it's raining
A florzinha abre quando o sol está aparecendo
The little flower opens when the sun is appearing
Pra lá, pra cá
To the left, to the right
Pra lá, pra cá, pra lá
To the left, to the right, to the left
Vem a Jesus, vem, vem louvar
Come to Jesus, come, come praise
Com a nossa turma vem brincar
Come play with our group
Pula pra cá, pula pra lá
Jump here, jump there
Com a nossa turma bem brincar
Play well with our group
Added by
Eduardo Oliveira
São Luís, Brazil
March 12, 2025
Sol da Justiça
Bumbum Granada (part. MC Zaac e MC Jerry)
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