Carnaval Malassombrado Lyrics Translation in English

Orquestra Malassombro
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

São quatro dias

It's four days

O povo malassombrado

The haunted people

Mas eu sou juremado

But I am sworn

Sou Mourão que não bambeia

I'm Mourão who doesn't sway

A minha mãe

My mother

Me deu o seu rezado, filho tome cuidado

Gave me her prayers, son, be careful

Até a quarta-feira

Until Wednesday

Pra não se canga

So as not to be ensnared

Com uma caveira de palitó

With a suit-clad skull

Você bem sabe que no meio da folia

You well know that in the midst of revelry

Até evangélico faz seu catimbó

Even the evangelical performs his enchantment

E malassombrado dança frevo até coto

And the haunted one dances frevo until the stump

E malassombrado varre, varre, vassourinha até o pó

And the haunted one sweeps, sweeps, little broom until the dust

Added by Gustavo Silva
Luanda, Angola July 29, 2024
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