Flores Para Mamãe Lyrics Translation in English

Pardinho e Pardal
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Era dia de finados o sol brilhava na tarde

It was All Saints' Day, the sun shining in the afternoon

E naquele campo santo bem no alto da cidade

And in that sacred field high above the city

Era grande o movimento com flores e muita gente

There was a great movement with flowers and many people

Chegando de toda a parte pra visitar seus parentes

Coming from every part to visit their relatives

Das sepulturas mais ricas muitos vinham reclamar

From the wealthier tombs, many came to complain

Que estavam sumindo flores, alguém as via roubar

That flowers were disappearing, someone was seen stealing

Quando passou um menino com um buquê de flores na mão

When a boy passed by with a bouquet of flowers in hand

Todos correram atrás dele gritando: Pega o ladrão

Everyone ran after him shouting: Catch the thief!

Encontraram o pobrezinho soluçando ajoelhado

They found the poor boy sobbing, kneeling

Cobrindo um monte de terra com flores que havia roubado

Covering a mound of earth with stolen flowers

Na cabeceira uma cruz num abandono total

At the head, a cross in complete abandonment

Um nome quase apagado maria rosa de tal

A name almost faded: Maria Rosa de Tal

Perguntaram o que fazia, quase sem poder falar

They asked what he was doing, almost unable to speak

Roubo flores prá mamãe porque não posso comprar

"I stole flowers for mom because I can't afford to buy them"

Não conheci ela em vida Deus não me deu esta sorte

I didn't know her in life, God didn't give me this luck

Por isso as flores mais belas eu lhe dou depois da morte

That's why the most beautiful flowers I give her after death

Todos voltaram pensando como cabe tanto amor

Everyone returned thinking how so much love fits

Num coração tão pequeno hoje coberto de dor

In such a small heart now covered in grief

Aos que seguiram o menino foi grande a compaixão

For those who followed, great compassion for the boy

Com as flores prá mamãe deram a ele o perdão

With flowers for mom, they granted him forgiveness

Added by Marco Silva
Luanda, Angola November 3, 2024
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