Do Luxo Pro Lixo Lyrics Translation in English
Rainha MusicalPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Foi na minha pele
It was on my skin
Fui eu que senti
I was the one who felt
Era pra ser o melhor casamento do mundo
It was supposed to be the best marriage in the world
Me iludi bonito
I deluded myself beautifully
Explica esse roxo, os cabelos molhados
Explain this bruise, the wet hair
Eu reconheci o carro do safado
I recognized the car of the jerk
Abandonou ele pra ficar comigo
She left him to be with me
Agora sou eu que tô sendo traído
Now it's me who's being betrayed
Óh, como eu fiquei
Oh, how I felt
"Like this"
Do luxo pro lixo
From luxury to trash
Da casa pra rua
From home to the street
Do uísque pra pinga, pra vida noturna
From whiskey to cheap liquor, to nightlife
Cheirando a cerveja, o cigarro ambulante
Smelling like beer, the wandering cigarette
Pros cornos anônimos mais um integrante
For anonymous horns, one more member
Do luxo pro lixo voltou ao passado
From luxury to trash, back to the past
Tá trocando o sujo pelo mal lavado
Trading the dirty for the unwashed
Amor mal resolvido, coleciona pecado
Unresolved love, collecting sin
Êiêiê êiêiê
Hey hey hey hey