Só Vale Quem Tem Lyrics Translation in English

Luiz Gonzaga
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Quem aos vinte não barbou

Who at twenty doesn't grow a beard

E aos trinta não casou

And at thirty doesn't get married

Aos quarenta tá sem ter nenhum vintém

At forty is without a penny

Coitado, não barba, não casa, nem tem

Poor thing, doesn't grow a beard, doesn't get married, and has nothing

Aos vinte ano eu barbei

At twenty years old, I grew a beard

Aos trinta ano eu casei

At thirty years old, I got married

Aos quarenta rico, serei

At forty, I'll be rich

Que digam os anjos amém

Let the angels say amen

Pois no céu só vale quem presta

For in heaven, only those who are worthy matter

Na terra vale quem tem

On earth, only those who have wealth matter

Sei que o amor não tem preço

I know that love has no price

Mas se o dinheiro ofereço

But if I offer money

Desilusão não padeço

I don't suffer disappointment

Não digo que compro paixão

I'm not saying I buy passion

Mas com muita gaita se arranja

But with a lot of accordion playing, one can arrange

Uma boa imitação

A good imitation

Added by Ricardo Costa
São Paulo, Brazil June 22, 2024
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