Pelo Sangue Lyrics Translation in English

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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Um sacrifício vivo se entregou por mim

A living sacrifice gave Himself for me

Com armas de amor Ele lutou até o fim

With weapons of love, He fought until the end

Vestido de silêncio

Dressed in silence

O semblante era de dor

The countenance was one of pain

A todos que o feriu lá no calvário perdoou

To all who hurt Him on Calvary, He forgave

Subiu naquela cruz sem nada reclamar

He climbed that cross without complaining

Cordeiro imaculado que sofreu por me amar

Immaculate Lamb who suffered to love me

E a minha vida foi lavada pelo sangue de Jesus

And my life was washed by the blood of Jesus

Minha história dividiu

My story divided

Antes e depois

Before and after

Pelo sangue

By the blood

Pelo sangue de Jesus

By the blood of Jesus

Fui salvo pelo sangue

I was saved by the blood

Fui curado pelo sangue

I was healed by the blood

Fui comprado pelo sangue

I was bought by the blood

Fui liberto pelo sangue

I was liberated by the blood

O sangue de Jesus

The blood of Jesus

Que me leva até o céu

That takes me to heaven

O sangue de Jesus

The blood of Jesus

Vermelho, forte e fiel

Red, strong, and faithful

Suportou a cruz a preço de sangue

He endured the cross at the price of blood

Por amor

For love

Precioso sangue de Jesus

Precious blood of Jesus

O sacrifício vivo eu quero ser pra Deus

The living sacrifice I want to be for God

Tão puro e agradável como Cristo ofereceu

As pure and pleasing as Christ offered

Com a Sua verdade, vou me comprometer

With His truth, I will commit myself

E ser exemplo vivo de Sua graça e poder

And be a living example of His grace and power

Amar como a mim mesmo a quem me odiar

To love as myself those who hate me

Usar as minhas mãos pra outras mãos abençoar

To use my hands to bless other hands

E já não vivo eu

And no longer do I live

Mas agora Jesus Cristo vive em mim

But now Jesus Christ lives in me

O meu passado apagou

My past erased

Tudo perdoou pelo sangue

Forgave everything by the blood

Pelo sangue de Jesus

By the blood of Jesus

Fui salvo pelo sangue

I was saved by the blood

Fui curado pelo sangue

I was healed by the blood

Fui liberto pelo sangue

I was liberated by the blood

Fui comprado pelo sangue

I was bought by the blood

O sangue de Jesus

The blood of Jesus

Que me leva até o céu

That takes me to heaven

O sangue de Jesus

The blood of Jesus

Vermelho, forte e fiel

Red, strong, and faithful

Suportou a cruz a preço de sangue

He endured the cross at the price of blood

Por amor

For love

Precioso sangue de Jesus

Precious blood of Jesus

Added by Carolina Oliveira
Fortaleza, Brazil December 18, 2024
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