Nasça Lyrics Translation in English
Walter FrancoPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Nasça o que nasce
Let it be born what is born
que passe o que passa
Let what passes, pass
Nasça o que nasce
Let it be born what is born
e que passe o que passa
And let what passes, pass
Mesa cadeira
Table chair
sol geladeira
Sun refrigerator
lençol cobertor
Sheet blanket
árvore telha
Tree tile
vento vapor
Wind steam
pássaro abelha
Bird bee
Alarm clock
Leite cigarro
Milk cigarette
gelo café
Ice coffee
plástico ferro
Plastic iron
pão chaminé
Bread chimney
chave moeda
Key coin
página pé
Page foot
fósforo pedra
sangue chiclé
Blood chewing gum
Added by
Hugo Costa
Luanda, Angola
February 25, 2025
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