Deusa Morena Lyrics Translation in English

Boi Caprichoso
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Baila, minha rainha

Dance, my queen

No embalo dessa dança

In the rhythm of this dance

Traz o sorriso, de alegria o teu encanto

Bring the smile, the enchantment of joy

Eu quero te ver, eu quero viver

I want to see you, I want to live

Meu sonho azul , baila, baila, dança...

My blue dream, dance, dance...

Ah, ah, ah...

Ah, ah, ah...

Quando cantas a canção do vento

When you sing the song of the wind

As cantigas as belas toadas

The beautiful tunes, the lovely chants

O teu corpo é só movimento

Your body is pure movement

E a tua dança emociona

And your dance is moving

E me faz sonhar

And makes me dream

Perfume do mato bis

Forest perfume encore

Rainha das lendas, Deusa do Amazonas

Queen of legends, Goddess of the Amazon

Encanta a galera, meu povo de azul...

Enchants the crowd, my people in blue...

Baila, minha rainha

Dance, my queen

No embalo dessa dança

In the rhythm of this dance

Traz um sorriso de alegria e o teu encanto

Bring a smile of joy and your enchantment

Eu quero te ver, eu quero viver

I want to see you, I want to live

Meu sonho azul viver em você

My blue dream, live in you

O canto das aves

The song of birds

E o verde da mata

And the green of the forest

Do céu a cor das araras

The sky's color of macaws

Das profundezas dos rios

From the depths of rivers

O encontro das águas

The meeting of waters

E a cheia grande

And the great flood

Contos e lendas, mistérios do Amazonas

Tales and legends, mysteries of the Amazon

Na magia da arena

In the magic of the arena

Nessa noite de encantos

In this night of enchantments

Dança Deusa Morena

Dance, Brown Goddess

Added by Diogo Sousa
Bissau, Guinea-Bissau March 8, 2025
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