Viramundo Lyrics Translation in English

Gilberto Gil
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Sou viramundo virado

I'm a turned wanderer

Nas rondas da maravilha

In the rounds of wonder

Cortando a faca e facão

Cutting with knife and machete

Os desatinos da vida

The follies of life

Gritando para assustar

Screaming to scare

A coragem da inimiga

The courage of the enemy

Pulando pra não ser preso

Jumping not to be caught

Pelas cadeias da intriga

By the chains of intrigue

Prefiro ter toda a vida

I prefer to have all my life

A vida como inimiga

Life as an enemy

A ter na morte da vida

Than to have in the death of life

Minha sorte decidida

My fate decided

Sou viramundo virado

I'm a turned wanderer

Pelo mundo do sertão

In the world of the backlands

Mas inda viro este mundo

But I still turn this world

Em festa, trabalho e pão

In celebration, work, and bread

Virado será o mundo

The world will be turned

E viramundo verão

And they will see the turned one

O virador deste mundo

The turner of this world

Astuto, mau e ladrão

Sly, bad, and thief

Ser virado pelo mundo

To be turned by the world

Que virou com certidão

That turned with a certificate

Ainda viro este mundo

I still turn this world

Em festa, trabalho e pão

In celebration, work, and bread

Added by Jorge Santos
Bissau, Guinea-Bissau October 7, 2024
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