Ó Senhor, Vós Sois Bom, Sois Clemente E Fiel! Lyrics Translation in English

Instrumento D Paz
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Ó Senhor, vós sois bom, sois clemente e fiel!

O Lord, you are good, merciful, and faithful!

Ó Senhor, vós sois bom e clemente,

O Lord, you are good and merciful,

sois perdão para quem vos invoca.

you are forgiveness for those who call upon you.

Escutai, ó Senhor, minha prece,

Listen, O Lord, to my prayer,

o lamento da minha oração!

the lament of my supplication!

As nações que criastes, virão

The nations you created will come

adorar e louvar vosso nome.

to worship and praise your name.

Sois tão grande e fazeis maravilhas:

You are so great and perform wonders:

vós, somente sois Deus e Senhor!

you alone are God and Lord!

Vós, porém, sois clemente e fiel,

But you are merciful and faithful,

sois amor, paciência e perdão.

you are love, patience, and forgiveness.

Tende pena e olhai para mim!

Have pity and look upon me!

Confirmai, com vigor, vosso servo!

Confirm, with strength, your servant!

Added by André Costa
Maputo, Mozambique September 13, 2024
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