Paixão Secreta Lyrics Translation in English

Ivan Lins
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Quando abriu a porta e entrou

When he opened the door and entered

Mudou tanto a atmosfera

Changed the atmosphere so much

Que nem precisei dizer quem era

That I didn't even need to say who it was

Bastou se aproximar de mim

Just getting close to me

Pra eu jogar fora o meu gim

For me to throw away my gin

E sem usar droga nenhuma

And without using any drugs

Estranhamente eu entrei numa

Strangely, I entered into

De contar piadas, de dar gargalhadas

Telling jokes, bursting into laughter

Que quando me dei por mim

That when I realized it

Já estava assim

I was already like this

Igual aos seres mais felizes

Just like the happiest beings

Aos que nunca estiveram em crise

Those who have never been in crisis

Aos que já esqueceram suas cicatrizes

Those who have already forgotten their scars

Remoçando outra vez

Rejuvenating once again

Meu coração

My heart

Eu estava revelando a todos

I was revealing to everyone

Minha paixão secreta

My secret passion

Minha paixão secreta

My secret passion

Minha paixão...

My passion...

Quando abriu a porta e saiu

When he opened the door and left

Mudou tanto a atmosfera

Changed the atmosphere so much

Que nem precisei dizer quem era

That I didn't even need to say who it was

Bastou se afastar de mim

Just getting away from me

E o garçom me trouxe o gim

And the waiter brought me the gin

Added by Tiago Rodrigues
Lisbon, Portugal July 23, 2024
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