O Rancho da Goiabada Lyrics Translation in English
João BoscoPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Os boias-frias quando tomam umas biritas
The day laborers, when they have a few drinks,
Espantando a tristeza
Chasing away the sadness,
Sonham com bife à cavalo, batata frita
Dream of steak and eggs, french fries,
E a sobremesa
And dessert
É goiabada cascão, com muito queijo, depois café
Is chunky guava paste, with plenty of cheese, then coffee
Cigarro e o beijo de uma mulata chamada
Cigarette and the kiss of a mulatto named
Leonor, ou Dagmar
Leonor, or Dagmar
Amar, um rádio de pilha um fogão jacaré a marmita
To love, a portable radio, a crocodile stove, and a lunchbox
O domingo no bar, onde tantos iguais se reúnem
Sundays at the bar, where so many similar ones gather
Contando mentiras pra poder suportar ai
Telling lies to be able to endure, oh
São pais de santos, paus de arara, são passistas
They are parents of saints, hitchhiking sticks, they are passistas
São flagelados, são pingentes, balconistas
They are flagellated, they are pendants, shop assistants
Palhaços, marcianos, canibais, lírios pirados
Clowns, Martians, cannibals, crazy lilies
Dançando, dormindo de olhos abertos
Dancing, sleeping with open eyes
À sombra da alegoria
In the shade of the allegory
Dos faraós embalsamados
Of embalmed pharaohs