Boteco do Arlindo Lyrics Translation in English

João Nogueira
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Gripe cura com limão, jurubeba é pra azia

Cold is cured with lemon, jurubeba is for heartburn

Do jeito que a coisa vai, boteco do Arlindo vira drogaria

The way things are going, Arlindo's bar turns into a drugstore

O médico tava com medo que o meu figueiredo não andasse bem

The doctor was afraid that my figueiredo wouldn't perform well

Então receitou jurubeba, alcachofra e de quebra carqueja também

So he prescribed jurubeba, artichoke, and added carqueja as well

Embora fosse homeopatia a grana que eu tinha era só dois barão

Although it was homeopathy, the money I had was only two barão

Mas o Arlindo é pai d'égua, foi passando a régua, eu fiquei logobão

But Arlindo is a badass, he kept tallying up, and I felt good right away

Tem vinho pra conjuntivite, licor pra bronquite, cerveja pros rins

There's wine for conjunctivitis, liqueur for bronchitis, beer for the kidneys

Traçados e rabos-de-galo pra todos os males e todos os fins

Traced and "rabos-de-galo" for all evils and all purposes

O Juca chegou lá no Arlindo se desmilingüindo, querendo apagar

Juca arrived at Arlindo's falling apart, wanting to erase himself

Tomou batida de jambo, recebeu o rango e botou pra quebrar

He took jambo cocktail, received the grub, and went all out

Batida de erva-cidreira se der tremedeira ou palpitação

Lemon balm cocktail if there's shivering or palpitation

Pra quem tá doente do peito faz um grande efeito licor de agrião

For those sick in the chest, watercress liqueur has a great effect

E toda velhice se acaba se der catuaba prum velho tomar

And all old age ends if an old man takes catuaba

Meu Tio bebeu lá no Arlindo e saiu tinindo pra ir furunfar

My Uncle drank at Arlindo's and left all spruced up to go have fun

Added by António Silva
Lisbon, Portugal February 17, 2025
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