Fazenda Santo Antonio Lyrics Translation in English

Jorge de Altinho
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Quando eu era menino, vi do céu um pedacinho

When I was a boy, I saw a little piece of heaven

A fazenda santo Antonio do meu velho tio Pedin

The Santo Antonio farm of my old uncle Pedin

Felicidade infinita, era joia mais bonita do município de Altinho

Endless happiness, the most beautiful jewel in the Altinho municipality

A casa sede era grande, de alpendre arrodeada

The main house was large, surrounded by a porch

Um quarto pra guarda cela, arreio, toda troçada

A room to keep saddles, harnesses, all neatly arranged

Encostado com a cozinha, uma casa de farinha

Next to the kitchen, a house for making flour

Pra se fazer farinhada

To produce flour products

Quatro horas da manhã para o curral eu corria

At four in the morning, I would run to the corral

Leite do peito da vaca traz saúde e energia

Milk from the cow's udder brings health and energy

Tinha vaca que respeite

There were cows that behaved

Emídio levava o leite pra cidade todo dia

Emídio took the milk to the city every day

Na mesa tinha de tudo, cuscuz com leite e coalhada

On the table, there was everything, couscous with milk and curd

Queijo de coalho na brasa, carne de sol bem assada

Grilled curd cheese, well-cooked sun-dried meat

Bolo de milho com côco, tinha costela de porco

Corn cake with coconut, there was pork rib

Macaxeira cozinhada

Cooked cassava

No inverno a canjica, a pamonha era à vontade

In winter, there was canjica, plenty of corn pudding

Tio Pedin matava um boi dava e carne pra os compades

Uncle Pedin slaughtered a bull and gave meat to his friends

No bacamarte um recado, São Pedro era festejado

A message on the shotgun, Saint Peter was celebrated

Ai meu Deus quanta saudade

Oh my God, how much I miss it

Na beira do rio una tinha cortiço de mel

By the riverbank, there was a honeycomb

Inhame, batata doce, laranja e mimo do céu

Yam, sweet potato, oranges, and heavenly treats

A banana prata e pão, os pés de coqueiro anão

Silver banana and bread, dwarf coconut trees

Água doce feito mel

Sweet water like honey

No terreiro, era bonito de se ver a bicharada

In the yard, it was beautiful to see the animals

Pato, galinha guiné

Ducks, guinea hens

Os perus dando rodada

Turkeys going around

Bode cabra e leitão, tinha um casal de pavão

Goats, goats, and piglets, a couple of peacocks

Ovelha gorda enrolada

Fat rolled-up sheep

Santo Antônio mudou de dono veio a modernização

Saint Anthony changed owners, modernization came

Derrubaram a casa sede, o cocheiro e o galpão

They knocked down the main house, the coachman, and the shed

A tristeza me invade quem já foi felicidade

Sadness invades me, what was once happiness

Hoje é so recordação

Today, it's just a memory

Tio Pedrinho não vive mais nem tia Alda também

Uncle Pedrinho no longer lives, nor does Aunt Alda

Foram morar com Jesus, na fazenda do além

They went to live with Jesus, on the farm beyond

A lembrança hoje, é um sonho e quando vejo santo Antônio

The memory today is a dream, and when I see Saint Anthony

Sinto que morri também

I feel like I died too

Added by Rodrigo Almeida
Bissau, Guinea-Bissau November 21, 2024
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