A Avó

Olavo Bilac
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A avó, que tem oitenta anos,

The grandmother, who is eighty years old,

Está tão fraca e velhinha!...

Is so weak and old!...

Teve tantos desenganos !

She had so many disappointments!

Ficou branquinha, branquinha,

She became very pale,

Com os desgostos humanos.

With the sorrows of humans.

Hoje, na sua cadeira,

Today, in her chair,

Repousa, pálida e fria,

She rests, pale and cold,

Depois de tanta canseira:

After so much toil:

E cochila todo o dia,

And she naps all day,

E cochila a noite inteira.

And she naps all night long.

Às vezes, porém, o bando

Sometimes, however, the flock

Dos netos invade a sala ...

Of grandchildren invades the room...

Entram rindo e papagueiando :

They enter laughing and chattering:

Este briga, aquele fala,

This one argues, that one speaks,

Aquele dança, pulando ...

That one dances, jumping...

A velha acorda sorrindo.

The old lady wakes up smiling,

E a alegria a transfigura;

And joy transforms her;

Seu rosto fica mais lindo,

Her face becomes more beautiful,

Vendo tanta travessura,

Seeing so much mischief,

E tanto barulho ouvindo.

And hearing so much noise.

Chama os netos adorados,

She calls her beloved grandchildren,

Beija-os, e, tremulamente,

Kisses them, and, tremblingly,

Passa os dedos engelhados,

Runs her wrinkled fingers,

Lentamente, lentamente,

Slowly, slowly,

Por seus cabelos doirados.

Through their golden hair.

Fica mais moça, e palpita,

She becomes younger, and throbs,

E recupera a memória,

And regains her memory,

Quando um dos netinhos grita :

When one of the little ones shouts:

"Ó vovó ! conte uma história!

"Oh, grandma! tell a story!

Conte uma história bonita!"

Tell a beautiful story!"

Então, com frases pausadas,

Then, with measured phrases,

Conta histórias de quimeras,

She tells stories of chimeras,

Em que há palácios de fadas,

In which there are fairy palaces,

E feiticeiras, e feras,

And sorceresses, and beasts,

E princesas encantadas ...

And enchanted princesses...

E os netinhos estremecem,

And the little ones shudder,

Os contos acompanhando,

Accompanying the tales,

E as travessuras esquecem,

And forget the pranks,

- Até que, a fronte inclinando

Until, inclining their foreheads

Sobre o seu colo, adormecem ...

On her lap, they fall asleep...

Added by Carolina Oliveira
Fortaleza, Brazil July 5, 2024
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