Chuva Boa Lyrics Translation in English

Silvestre Kuhlmann
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Chuva presa na nuvem carregada

Rain trapped in the loaded cloud

Chuva, é bom ouvir o seu trovão

Rain, it's good to hear your thunder

Lampejo, centelha, faísca, relâmpago

Flashes, sparks, sparks, lightning

Seu cheiro, seu barulho, suas nuvens, seu clarão

Its smell, its noise, its clouds, its flash

Chuva dá de beber à terra seca

Rain gives drink to the dry earth

Chuva, a terra arada, chuveirada nas sementes

Rain, the plowed land, showered on the seeds

Embriões, renovos, rebentos, alimentos

Embryos, shoots, sprouts, food

Chuva pra encher a cacimba, pra matar a nossa sede

Rain to fill the waterhole, to quench our thirst

Chuva pra encher o rio pra gente se banhar

Rain to fill the river for us to bathe

Chuva brejeira, seu pingo brincalhão

Playful rain, your playful drop

Leito escorregadio derruba o menino ribeirinho

Slippery bed knocks down the riverside boy

Chuva pra refrescar, pra assentar poeira no chão

Rain to refresh, to settle dust on the ground

Chuva, chuvisco, garoa, tempestade, temporal

Rain, drizzle, mist, storm, downpour

Chuva, que coisa boa! Que transborda, pinta e borda

Rain, how wonderful! Overflowing, painting and embroidering

Forma poças coloridas neste solo

Forms colored puddles on this ground

Forma peças na argila, folia, brinquedos

Forms pieces in the clay, revelry, toys

Added by Teresa Costa
Beira, Mozambique November 5, 2024
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