Tarde te amei Lyrics Translation in English

Stênio Március
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Eis que habitavas dentro de mim

Behold, you were dwelling within me

E eu te procurava do lado de fora

And I sought you outside

Eis que disforme

Behold, deformed

Lançava-me assim

I hurled myself

Sobre as belas formas de tuas criaturas

Upon the beautiful forms of your creatures

Estavas comigo mas eu não estava contigo

You were with me but I was not with you

Retinham-me longe de ti

Your creatures held me far from you

As tuas criaturas

Your creatures

As tuas criaturas que não existiriam

Your creatures that would not exist

Se em ti não existissem

If they did not exist in you

Se em ti não existissem

If they did not exist in you

Se em ti não existissem

If they did not exist in you

Tarde muito tarde

Late, very late

Foi que eu te amei

Was when I loved you

Oh! Beleza tão antiga e tão nova

Oh! Beauty so ancient and so new

Tarde demais te amei

Too late I loved you

Tu me chamaste

You called me

E teu grito rompeu minha surdez

And your cry broke through my deafness

Tarde demais, tarde demais te amei

Too late, too late I loved you

Fulguraste e brilhaste

You shone and sparkled

E tua luz afugentou minha cegueira

And your light dispelled my blindness

Espargiste tua fragrância

You scattered your fragrance

Respirando-a suspirei por ti

Breathing it, I sighed for you

Eu te experimentei

I tasted you

E agora tenho fome e sede de ti

And now I hunger and thirst for you

Tu me tocaste

You touched me

E agora ardo no desejo de tua paz

And now I burn with desire for your peace

Tarde muito tarde

Late, very late

Foi que eu te amei

Was when I loved you

Oh! Beleza tão antiga e tão nova

Oh! Beauty so ancient and so new

Tarde demais te amei

Too late I loved you

Tu me chamaste

You called me

E teu grito rompeu minha surdez

And your cry broke through my deafness

Tarde demais, tarde demais te amei

Too late, too late I loved you

Added by Lucas Santos
Brasília, Brazil February 7, 2025
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