As Bruxinhas (part. Atitude Suspeita) Lyrics Translation in English

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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

A magia começou, caldeirão ferveu

The magic began, the cauldron boiled

As bruxinha da quebrada lá no beco se escondeu

The little witches from the hood hid in the alley

A varinha de condão é uma vela monstra

The magic wand is a monstrous candle

Agachado de capuz legalizando de responsa

Crouched with a hood, legalizing responsibly

As bruxinha legaliza, bota pra curtir

The little witches legalize, make it enjoyable

Santa city vai ter frevo e elas vão se divertir

Santa city will have carnival, and they will have fun

De sainha da Cyclone, jaqueta e mizuno

In Cyclone skirt, jacket, and Mizuno shoes

As bruxinha da quebrada colando com os vagabundo

The little witches from the hood hanging out with the thugs

O feitiço venenoso sai da erva da menina

The poisonous spell comes from the girl's herb

Fumaça natural se mistura com a neblina

Natural smoke mixes with the mist

E as bruxinha tão aí, elas só quer curtir

And the little witches are here, they just want to have fun

O feitiço venenoso sai da erva da menina

The poisonous spell comes from the girl's herb

Fumaça natural se mistura com a neblina

Natural smoke mixes with the mist

E as bruxinha tão aí, elas só quer curtir

And the little witches are here, they just want to have fun

A bruxa vai constar no frevo da madrugada

The witch will appear in the dawn's carnival

O grupo tá formado os verdadeiro da quebrada

The group is formed, the real ones from the hood

Magia venenosa e a menina que seduz

Poisonous magic and the girl who seduces

No olhar e no sorriso tá o brilho que reluz

In the gaze and in the smile is the shining glow

Princesinha tá sem lei, quero ver bater de frente

The little princess is lawless, want to see her face off

Vacila pra tu ver virar um sapo contente

Mess up, and you'll see it turn into a happy toad

Anda maquinada, toda trabalhada

Walking with a plan, all worked out

Menina de responsa, bruxa valorizada

Responsible girl, valued witch

Porra aqui é nós realidade que tá

Damn, here it's us, the reality that is

É atitude suspeita que tá no ar

It's suspicious attitude in the air

Não é conto de fadas nem é pra qualquer um

It's not a fairy tale, not for everyone

No 38 das bruxa é hollow point, dum dum

In the witches' .38, hollow point, dum dum

Os comédia passa é mal fica aterrorrizado

The jokers pass out, terrified

Elas não dá mole pra cabrito muito menos pra safado

They don't give a chance to kids, much less to scoundrels

A magia se espalha e a fumaça na quina

The magic spreads, and the smoke on the corner

Bruxa faz a nuvem que se mistura na neblina

Witch makes the cloud that blends in the mist

O feitiço venenoso sai da erva da menina

The poisonous spell comes from the girl's herb

Fumaça natural se mistura com a neblina

Natural smoke mixes with the mist

E as bruxinha tão aí, elas só quer curtir

And the little witches are here, they just want to have fun

O feitiço venenoso sai da erva da menina

The poisonous spell comes from the girl's herb

Fumaça natural se mistura com a neblina

Natural smoke mixes with the mist

E as bruxinha tão aí, elas só quer curtir

And the little witches are here, they just want to have fun

Tá suave, maloqueira sem limite

It's smooth, hoodlum without limits

Boca azul de rupinol aterroziando a city

Blue mouth from Rupinol terrorizing the city

Com olho vermelhão, da cor da brisa leva

With red eyes, the color of the breeze takes

Toda escamatizada com o nariz chei de neva

All scaled with a nose full of snow

Sai de casa princesinha, joga o migue

Princess, leave home, play it cool

A mãe nem desconfia que ela sai pra da rolê

Mom doesn't even suspect she's going out for a stroll

Passa o rádio pras amiga, chama pra constar

Pass the word to the friends, call them to be there

A noite vai ser louca e elas vem pra virar

The night will be crazy, and they come to turn up

As menina tão voando numa vassoura louca

The girls are flying on a crazy broom

Andando maquinada, armada a noite toda

Walking with a plan, armed all night

Hoje tá chovendo, pode ter neblina

Today it's raining, there might be mist

Elas fuma mermo, tranquila na esquina

They smoke, relaxed on the corner

Os mano vão pro baile trombar com ela

The guys go to the dance, bump into them

Só de campari, black label, fumando altas vela

Just Campari, Black Label, smoking high candles

Né desenho nem mentira a quebrada né novela

Not a cartoon, not a lie, the hood is not a soap opera

As feitiça daqui, deixa a favela mais bela

The spells here make the favela more beautiful

O feitiço venenoso sai da erva da menina

The poisonous spell comes from the girl's herb

Fumaça natural se mistura com a neblina

Natural smoke mixes with the mist

E as bruxinha tão aí, elas só quer curtir

And the little witches are here, they just want to have fun

O feitiço venenoso sai da erva da menina

The poisonous spell comes from the girl's herb

Fumaça natural se mistura com a neblina

Natural smoke mixes with the mist

E as bruxinha tão aí, elas só quer curtir

And the little witches are here, they just want to have fun

A cortina de fumaça, sai do caldeirão

The curtain of smoke comes from the cauldron

Das bruxinha lá da praça

From the little witches there in the square

Um beck na blunt, acende puff passa

A joint in the blunt, lights up, passes

Suave na cor e osso

Smooth in color and bone

Vagaba reunida não dá vez pra invejoso

Rebel girls together, no chance for the envious

As buxa tão no corre, na rua de capuz

The weed is on the move, in the hood with a hood

Na famosa rua de trás press e passa e seduz

In the famous back street, press and seduce

Salva aí mano "A", DuckJay, R Neguin

Shout out to Mano "A", DuckJay, R Neguin

Só as bruxa de Brasília as mais top né fi

Only the witches from Brasília, the top ones, right bro?

Então bota pra fluir a favela é desse jeito

So let it flow, that's how the favela is

As dona tem carater, humildade, respeito

The ladies have character, humility, respect

Gosta de rap com os gravão que bota pra estourar

Like rap with the bass that bursts

Em dia de halloween elas não quer pensar

On Halloween, they don't want to think

Vem curtir com os comédia, só curtir com os guerreiro

Come enjoy with the jokers, just enjoy with the warriors

Atitude e as bruxa que cola com os maloqueiro

Attitude and the witches who stick with the thugs

Sua vassoura é M7, paga o pau as piriguete

Your broom is M7, showing off for the loose women

Quando vê os as vida loka fumando um com os muleque

When they see the crazy life smoking with the guys

O feitiço venenoso sai da erva da menina

The poisonous spell comes from the girl's herb

Fumaça natural se mistura com a neblina

Natural smoke mixes with the mist

E as bruxinha tão aí, elas só quer curtir

And the little witches are here, they just want to have fun

O feitiço venenoso sai da erva da menina

The poisonous spell comes from the girl's herb

Fumaça natural se mistura com a neblina

Natural smoke mixes with the mist

E as bruxinha tão aí, elas só quer curtir

And the little witches are here, they just want to have fun

Added by Rodrigo Almeida
Bissau, Guinea-Bissau March 11, 2025
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