Desgarrados Lyrics Translation in English
Victor HugoPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Eles se encontram no cais do porto pelas calçadas
They meet at the port pier along the sidewalks
Fazem biscates pelos mercados, pelas esquinas,
They do odd jobs at the markets, on the corners,
Carregam lixo, vendem revistas, juntam baganas
They carry garbage, sell magazines, collect leftovers
E são pingentes nas avenidas da capital
And are pendants on the avenues of the capital
Eles se escondem pelos botecos entre cortiços
They hide in the bars among tenements
E pra esquecerem contam bravadas, velhas histórias
And to forget, they tell bravado, old stories
E então são tragos, muitos estragos, por toda a noite
And then are sips, many damages, throughout the night
Olhos abertos, o longe é perto, o que vale é o sonho
Eyes open, the far is near, what matters is the dream
Sopram ventos desgarrados, carregados de saudade
Blowing winds, scattered, loaded with longing
Viram corpos viram mundos, mas o que foi nunca mais será
They turn bodies, turn worlds, but what was will never be again
Cevavam mate,sorriso franco, palheiro aceso
They brewed mate, sincere smiles, lit cigarettes
Viravam brasas, contavam casos, polindo esporas,
They turned embers, told stories, polishing spurs,
Geada fria, café bem quente, muito alvoroço,
Cold frost, very hot coffee, much commotion,
Arreios firmes e nos pescoços lenços vermelhos
Firm reins and red scarves around their necks
Jogo do osso, cana de espera e o pão de forno
Bone game, waiting cane, and oven-baked bread
O milho assado, a carne gorda, a cancha reta
Roasted corn, fat meat, straight court
Faziam planos, nem sabiam que eram felizes
They made plans, didn't know they were happy
Olhos abertos, o longe é perto, o que vale é o sonho
Eyes open, the far is near, what matters is the dream
Sopram ventos desgarrados, carregados de saudade
Blowing winds, scattered, loaded with longing
Viram corpos viram mundos, mas o que foi nunca mais será
They saw bodies, saw worlds, but what was will never be again
Jogo do osso, cana de espera e o pão de forno
Bone game, waiting cane, and oven-baked bread
O milho assado, a carne gorda, a cancha reta
Roasted corn, fat meat, straight court
Faziam planos e nem sabiam que eram felizes
They made plans and didn't know they were happy
Olhos abertos, o longe é perto, oque vale é o sonho
Eyes open, the far is near, what matters is the dream
Sopram ventos desgarrados, carregados de saudade
Blowing winds, scattered, loaded with longing
Viram copos viram mundos, mas o que foi nunca mais será
They saw cups, saw worlds, but what was will never be again