Gemedeira Lyrics Translation in English
AmelinhaPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Tava eu mirando a lua
I was gazing at the moon
Veio a moça me olhar
A girl came to look at me
Perguntei se era nova
I asked if she was new
Não custou me apaixonar
It didn't take long for me to fall in love
No cavalo de São Jorge
On the horse of Saint George
Já mulher a galopar
Already a woman galloping
Sete léguas de paixão
Seven leagues of passion
Sem parar de suspirar
Without stopping sighing
Tava tocando a viola
I was playing the guitar
Num galope à beira mar
In a gallop by the seashore
Ai, ai, ai, é bom que dói
Ah, ah, ah, it's so good it hurts
Ui, ui, ui, chega a sangrar
Ooh, ooh, ooh, it even bleeds
Gemedeira é que nem beijo
Groaning is like a kiss
Começou custa a parar
Once it starts, it's hard to stop
Ela olhou, pediu um xote
She looked, asked for a dance
Pra gemer bastou te amar
To moan, it was enough to love you
Tava sentado na pedra
I was sitting on the rock
Veio o dono reclamar
The owner came to complain
Perguntou pra ver quem era
Asked to see who it was
Não custou me apresentar
It didn't take long to introduce myself
Com cem tiros de pistola
With a hundred shots from a pistol
Sete furos de punhal
Seven stabs from a dagger
Sou violeiro, patrão
I'm a troubadour, boss
Ele não pôde escutar
He couldn't hear