Deu a Louca na Fazenda Lyrics Translation in English

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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Olhem, no lugar do Sol está nascendo a Lua!

Look, in the place of the Sun, the Moon is rising!

E o estrelado da noite, mesmo de dia, continua?

And the starry night, even during the day, continues?

O céu, que era azul, tá mudando de cor

The sky, which was blue, is changing color

E também a montanha, a árvore e a flor!

And also the mountain, the tree, and the flower!

Que loucura, gente!

What madness, people!

Hoje a fazenda tá diferente

Today the farm is different

Houve uma mudança tão de repente

There was a change so sudden

Hoje a fazenda tá diferente

Today the farm is different

Houve uma mudança tão de repente

There was a change so sudden

A vaca tá miando: miau, miau!

The cow is meowing: meow, meow!

A galinha tá latindo: au-au, au-au!

The chicken is barking: bow-wow, bow-wow!

O gato tá piando: piu-piu, piu-piu!

The cat is chirping: chirp-chirp, chirp-chirp!

E o porco tá cantando: tiu-tiu, tiu-tiu!

And the pig is singing: tweet-tweet, tweet-tweet!

O pato tá berrando: memé, momó!

The duck is bellowing: quack, quack!

O cão cacarejando: cocorocó

The dog is crowing: cock-a-doodle-doo!

O cavalo tá grasnando: quá-quá, quá-quá!

The horse is honking: honk-honk, honk-honk!

E o boi está voando pra lá e pra cá

And the ox is flying back and forth

Olhem, o Sol apareceu e está assumindo o seu lugar

Look, the Sun appeared and is taking its place

E as estrelas da noite começaram a se apagar

And the night stars began to fade

O céu está voltando a ser azul, mudando de cor

The sky is returning to being blue, changing color

E também a montanha, a árvore e a flor

And also the mountain, the tree, and the flower

Voltou tudo ao normal com a natureza

Everything returned to normal with nature

E assim é bem melhor, eu tenho certeza

And so it's much better, I'm sure

Voltou tudo ao normal com a natureza

Everything returned to normal with nature

E assim é bem melhor, eu tenho certeza

And so it's much better, I'm sure

O gato tá miando: miau, miau!

The cat is meowing: meow, meow!

O cachorro tá latindo: au-au, au-au!

The dog is barking: bow-wow, bow-wow!

O pintinho tá piando: piu-piu, piu-piu!

The chick is chirping: chirp-chirp, chirp-chirp!

E o passarinho tá cantando: tiu-tiu, tiu-tiu!

And the bird is singing: tweet-tweet, tweet-tweet!

A cabra tá berrando: memé, momó!

The goat is bellowing: quack, quack!

O galo cacarejando: cocorocó

The rooster is crowing: cock-a-doodle-doo!

O pato tá grasnando: quá-quá, quá-quá!

The duck is honking: honk-honk, honk-honk!

E o passarinho tá voando pra lá e pra cá

And the bird is flying back and forth

Added by Ricardo Almeida
Praia, Cape Verde December 2, 2024
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