Olha o Coco Lyrics Translation in English

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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Olha o coco mulher, olha o coco

Look at the coconut, woman, look at the coconut

Segura o coco e não deixa o coco quebrar

Hold the coconut and don't let the coconut break

Bate o coco mulher, raspe o coco

Beat the coconut, scrape the coconut

Esprema o coco pra botar no mungunzá

Squeeze the coconut to put in the mungunzá

É neste coco que você morre e não entra

In this coconut, you die and don't get in

Dou-lhe outro coco pra você se atrapalhar

I give you another coconut to confuse yourself

Toma o coco, bata o coco e raspe o coco

Take the coconut, beat the coconut, and scrape the coconut

Lave o coco, esprema o coco pra você botar no mungunzá

Wash the coconut, squeeze the coconut to put in your mungunzá

Lhe dou um coco, dou dois cocos, dou três cocos,

I give you one coconut, I give you two coconuts, I give you three coconuts

Quatro coco ainda é pouco, cinco cocos ainda não dá

Four coconuts are still not enough, five coconuts still don't do

Pra chatear, dou-lhe outro coco tem gente que fica louco sem saber pra onde vai

To annoy, I give you another coconut, some people go crazy not knowing where it goes

Pode chorar e fazer sua cara feia cantador que não bobeia não sobe em meu coqueiral

You can cry and make your ugly face, singer who doesn't pay attention doesn't climb my coconut tree

Added by Mariana Fernandes
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil October 12, 2024
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