Ebenézer Lyrics Translation in English

Cantor Cristão
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Fonte tu de toda bênção, vem o canto me inspirar;

Fountain of every blessing, come inspire my song;

Dons de Deus, que nunca cessam, quero em alto som louvar.

Gifts of God, unceasing ever, I desire to praise in strong.

Oh, ensina o novo canto dos remidos lá dos céus

Oh, teach the new song of the redeemed from heavenly abode,

Ao teu servo e ao povo santo prá louvarmos-te, bom Deus!

To your servant and the holy people, praising you, O gracious God!

Cá meu "Ebenézer" ergo, pois Jesus me socorreu;

Here my "Ebenezer" I raise, for Jesus aided me;

E, por sua graça, espero transportar-me para o céu.

And by His grace, I hope to be transported to heaven free.

Eu, perdido, procurou-me, longe do meu Deus, sem luz;

I, lost, He sought me far from God, in darkness without light;

Maculado e vil, lavou-me com seu sangue o bom Jesus.

Stained and vile, He washed me with His blood, the good Jesus so bright.

Devedor à tua graça cada dia e hora sou;

Debtor to your grace each day and every hour I am;

Teu desvelo sempre faça com que eu ame a ti, Senhor.

May your care forever guide me to love you, O Lord, I proclaim.

Eis minha alma vacilante: toma-a, prende-a com amor,

Here my wavering soul I present; take it, bind it with love divine,

Para que ela, a todo instante, glorifique a ti, Senhor.

So that it may, at every moment, glorify you, O Lord, ever shine.

Added by Ricardo Costa
São Paulo, Brazil March 9, 2025
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