Paris Sorrirá Outra Vez Lyrics Translation in English

Castro Barbosa
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

A vida corria risonha nas margens do Sena

Life flowed happily on the banks of the Seine

Jardins, Moulin Rouge, cafés, magazins, boulevards

Gardens, Moulin Rouge, cafes, stores, boulevards

Paris resumia Veneza, Madri e Viena

Paris summed up Venice, Madrid, and Vienna

Paris tinha beijos na boca e risos no olhar

Paris had kisses on the lips and laughter in the eyes

Paris, já não sorris

Paris, you no longer smile

Nem vives mais de sonhos e amor

Nor do you live on dreams and love anymore

Paris, choras de dor

Paris, you cry in pain

Ante os fuzis do invasor

Before the invader's rifles

O mundo que te ama

The world that loves you

E que sofre ao ouvir esse teu soluçar

And suffers hearing your sobbing

Um dia, tal como os heróis do passado

One day, just like the heroes of the past

Te irá libertar

Will set you free

Paris, de novo, então

Paris, again then

Teu coração terás em flor

Your heart will be in bloom

Cidade amor, o mundo diz

City of love, the world says

Serás feliz, Paris

You will be happy, Paris

Added by Gustavo Oliveira
Luanda, Angola February 25, 2025
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