Beijo de Amor Lyrics Translation in English

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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Em um quarto escurecido

In a darkened room

Alem do alcance do olhar

Beyond the reach of sight

Lutando contra o amor

Fighting against love

Com o coração ferido

With a wounded heart

Como uma criança apaixonada

Like a passionate child

Vendida e comparada

Sold and compared

Em nome desse amor

In the name of this love

Paixões mal resolvidas

Unresolved passions

E todos momentos

And all precious moments

Preciosos colocados de lado

Set aside

E meu sorriso trás a luxuria corrompida e cantada ...(2x)

And my smile brings corrupted and sung lust ...(2x)



Me diga se o beijo de amor vira mentira

Tell me if the kiss of love turns into a lie

Odeio meu medo de correr até você...(2x)

I hate my fear of running to you ...(2x)

Added by José Silva
Faro, Portugal February 27, 2025
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