O ET Se Deu Mal Lyrics Translation in English
Chibata DengosaPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Tava em Olinda com minha mina
Was in Olinda with my girl
Quando entrei num beco da esquina
When I entered a corner alley
Avistei um disco voador
I spotted a flying saucer
O ET me olhou e me chamou
The ET looked at me and called me
Vamos para Marte,
Let's go to Mars,
Embarque na jornada estelar!
Embark on the stellar journey!
Meu amigo ET era bacana
My ET friend was cool
Me apresentou as marcianas
Introduced me to the Martian girls
Todas bem verdinhas
All very green
Com cara de novinha
Looking like little girls
Três peitinhos, duas anteninhas
Three little breasts, two little antennas
Voltando para a Terra eu descolei
Returning to Earth, I scored
Um "mói" de "caça ratos" pros ETs
A bunch of "rat catchers" for the ETs
E um ET chapado
And a stoned ET
Louco alucinado
Crazy and hallucinated
Foi curtir no baile mascarado
Went to enjoy the masked ball
Pô! Qual é?
Hey! What's up?
Não dá pra entender
Can't understand
O cara veio de Marte
The guy came from Mars
Com tanta mulher pra escolher
With so many women to choose from
Não foi legal
It wasn't cool
Pro ET no Carnaval
For the ET in Carnival
Cheio de novinhas
Full of little girls
Ele se enganchou com o galalau
He hooked up with the big guy
Pô! Qual é?
Hey! What's up?
Não dá pra entender
Can't understand
O cara veio de Marte
The guy came from Mars
Com tanta mulher pra escolher
With so many women to choose from
Não foi legal
It wasn't cool
Pro ET no Carnaval
For the ET in Carnival
Cheio de novinhas
Full of little girls
Ele se enganchou com o galalau
He hooked up with the big guy