O Teimoso Lyrics Translation in English

Cicero Nogueira
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Saíram dois nordestinos do sertão da Paraíba

Two Northeasterners left the hinterlands of Paraíba

Tocar roça de "à meia" no estado de Goiás

To farm the fields at "à meia" in the state of Goiás

A coisa lá tava feia, plantavam, mas não colhiam

Things were tough there; they planted but didn't harvest

Porque a seca consumia, o prejuízo era demais

Because the drought consumed, the losses were too much

Eles ouviram falar que por esses lados de cá

They heard that on this side

Tudo que se planta colhe, porque no tempo certo chove

Everything you plant, you reap, because in due time, it rains

E o jeito foi se mudar

And the only option was to move

Se instalaram num sítio onde arrumaram serviço

They settled in a place where they found work

E foram bem recebidos por esses lados de cá

And were well received on this side

Eram dois crentes teimosos, nunca vi ninguém igual

They were two stubborn believers, never seen anyone like them

Se dissessem: “Pau é pedra!”, nem mesmo que a vaca tussa

If someone said, "A stick is a stone!"

Do lugar ninguém se arreda, pedra tinha que ser pau

Nor even if a cow coughed, would they leave the place

Mas eram trabalhadores, homens de muitas virtudes

But they were hardworking, men of many virtues

Estudiosos da Bíblia, destemidos de atitude

Bible scholars, fearless in attitude

Se tudo aqui correr bem e a vida melhorar

If everything goes well here, and life improves

No meio do ano que vem vamos voltar pra casar

By the middle of next year, we'll go back to get married

Um se chamava Raimundo e o outro Juvenal

One was called Raimundo, the other Juvenal

Se chovesse canivete, nem assim

If it rained knives, not a single one

Nenhum perdia escola dominical

Would miss Sunday school

Apesar de ser distante e tinham mesmo de ir a pé

Despite the distance, they had to walk

Se levantavam mais cedo, mas perder ensinamento

They got up earlier but never missed a lesson

Nenhum domingo sequer

Any given Sunday

Num determinado dia quando iam pelo caminho

On a certain day as they walked along the road

Bem no meio da estrada tinha uma cobra dormindo

Right in the middle of the road, a snake was sleeping

Quando se aproximaram a dita cobra acordou

When they approached, the said snake woke up

Deu um bote em um deles, mas ele se desviou

It lunged at one of them, but he dodged

Por pouco o irmão Raimundo já não estava com o Senhor

Raimundo was almost with the Lord

Mas encontraram um pau e mataram a serpente

But they found a stick and killed the snake

Começou a discussão, coisa feia para crente

A quarrel started, an ugly thing for believers

Quase acontece desgraça quando um deles disse:

Almost a disaster when one of them said:

“É cascavel” e o outro: “É jararaca!”

"It's a rattlesnake!" and the other: "It's a pit viper!"

E a coisa ficou feia, nenhum voltava atrás

And things got ugly, none would back down

-A cascavel tem chocalho e a jararaca, jamais!

"A rattlesnake has a rattle, and a pit viper, never!"

E um ficou de mal com o outro, foram de mal pra igreja

And one was upset with the other, they went to church in a bad mood

Mas a escola foi mudada por causa da Santa Ceia

But the school was changed because of the Holy Communion

Mas tomar ceia de mal não é correto pra crente

But taking communion in a bad mood is not right for a believer

Foram falar com o pastor pra resolver o incidente

They went to talk to the pastor to resolve the incident

Disse o pastor: “Meus irmãos, precisam reconciliar

The pastor said, "My brothers, you need to reconcile"

Tomar ceia desse jeito, sinceramente não dá”

"Taking communion like this, honestly, won't do"

-Irmão Raimundo, perdoa o seu irmão Juvenal?

"Brother Raimundo, forgive your brother Juvenal?"

-Pastor eu vou perdoar porque quero entrar no Céu

"Pastor, I'll forgive because I want to enter Heaven"

Porém não arredo o pé, a cobra era cascavel!

"But I won't budge, the snake was a rattlesnake!"

-E o irmão Juvenal perdoa o seu amigo Raimundo?

"And Brother Juvenal, do you forgive your friend Raimundo?"

-Vou perdoar só porque não quero ficar no mundo

"I'll forgive just because I don't want to stay in the world"

Ficar aqui sem Jesus realmente é uma desgraça

Staying here without Jesus is truly a disaster

Mas não retiro a palavra, a cobra era jararaca!

"But I won't take back my words, the snake was a pit viper!"

Added by Ana Silva
Lisbon, Portugal July 31, 2024
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