Sagrada Família de Nazaré Lyrics Translation in English

Coral Edipaul
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Foi na simplicidade que nasceu Jesus

In simplicity Jesus was born

Foi a fé de Maria que trouxe a luz

It was Mary's faith that brought the light

José homem piedoso

Joseph, a pious man

Também foi um homem de fé

He too was a man of faith

Do sim de José e Maria

From the 'yes' of Joseph and Mary

Nasceu a Sagrada Família

The Holy Family was born

Eu quero ver na minha família

I want to see in my family

A família de Nazaré

The family of Nazareth

Eu quero ver na minha família

I want to see in my family

O amor de Jesus, Maria e José

The love of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph

A gruta é tão pobre e fria

The grotto is so poor and cold

Mas Jesus dos pais tem o calor

But Jesus from his parents has warmth

Que o acolhem com carinho

They welcome him with affection

E o protegem com amor

And protect him with love

A Santa Família ensina

The Holy Family teaches

O que mais importa é o amor

That what matters most is love

Que supera as dificuldades

Which surpasses difficulties

Fortalece a fé e a unidade

Strengthens faith and unity

Mas a sagrada família

But the Holy Family

Também precisou fugir

Also needed to flee

Foi para o Egito

They went to Egypt

Precisou se esconder ali

They had to hide there

Depois avisado em sonho

Then warned in a dream

O pai amoroso, José

The loving father, Joseph

Tomou a sua família

Took his family

Foi morar em Nazaré

Went to live in Nazareth

Em Nazaré crescia

In Nazareth, he grew

Em graça e sabedoria

In grace and wisdom

Pois era família unida

Because it was a united family

Na dor e na alegria

In pain and in joy

No meio do seu povo

Among their people

Trabalhava pelo pão

They worked for bread

Em prece a Deus louvava

In prayer, they praised God

E estendia a mão aos irmãos

And reached out to their brothers

Added by Andréia Oliveira
Beira, Mozambique November 25, 2024
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