Nossa Oferta de Amor Lyrics Translation in English
Dom do AltíssimoPortuguese Lyrics
English Translation
Vidas que se ofertam neste altar
Lives that are offered on this altar
Para novas vidas gerar
To generate new lives
Como o grão de trigo cai e morre para frutificar
Like the grain of wheat falls and dies to bear fruit
Dons que se consagram neste altar
Gifts that consecrate themselves on this altar
O Eterno vem o tempo tocar
The Eternal comes to touch the time
Sacrifício de amor que sempre se renovará
Sacrifice of love that will always be renewed
Como no Altar da Cruz, o milagre da vida se fará
As on the Altar of the Cross, the miracle of life will happen
Hoje nossa pobreza se encontra no altar
Today our poverty is found on the altar
Com a Tua grandeza, Senhor
With Your greatness, O Lord
Nossa vida perdida no vinho e no pão
Our life lost in the wine and the bread
Eis a nossa oferta de amor
Behold our offering of love