O Sapo Lyrics Translation in English

Galinha Pintadinha
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

O sapo não lava o pé

The frog doesn't wash its foot

Não lava porque não quer

Doesn't wash because it doesn't want to

Ele mora lá na lagoa

It lives there in the pond

Não lava o pé porque não quer

Doesn't wash its foot because it doesn't want to

O sapo não lava o pé

The frog doesn't wash its foot

Não lava porque não quer

Doesn't wash because it doesn't want to

Ele mora lá na lagoa

It lives there in the pond

Não lava o pé porque não quer

Doesn't wash its foot because it doesn't want to

Mas que chulé!

But what a smell!

A sapa na lava a pá

The female frog doesn't wash the paw

Na lava parca na cá

Doesn't wash, barely looks at it

Ala mara lá na lagaa

She lives there in the lagoon

Na lava a pá parca na cá

Doesn't wash the paw, barely looks at it

Mas cá chalá!

But how charming!

E sepe ne leve e pe

And the toad doesn't take and kiss

Ne leve perque ne que

Doesn't take because it doesn't want to

Ele mere le ne leguee

He deserves to be left lonely

Ne leve e pe perque ne que

Doesn't take and kiss because it doesn't want to

Mes que chele!

But how sweet!

I sipi ni livi i pi

And if she doesn't lift and fly

Ni livi pirqui ni qui

Doesn't lift because she doesn't want to

Ili miri li ni liguii

She deserves to be left legless

Ni livi i pi pirqui ni qui

Doesn't lift and fly because she doesn't want to

Mis qui chili!

But how cool!

O sopo no lovo o po

The toad doesn't wash the butt

No lovo porco no co

Doesn't wash because it's filthy

Olo moro lo no logoo

He lives there in the swamp

No lovo o po porco no co

Doesn't wash the butt because it's filthy

Mos co cholo!

But it stinks!

U supu nu luvu u pu

And the soup doesn't boil the pot

Nu luvu purcu nu cu

Doesn't boil because it's lousy

Ulu muru lu nu luguu

It lives there in the lake

Nu luvu u pu purcu nu cu

Doesn't boil the pot because it's lousy

Mus cu chulu!

But it's hot!

Added by Teresa Costa
Beira, Mozambique September 24, 2024
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