Eu Sabia Lyrics Translation in English

Higor Rocha
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Portuguese Lyrics

English Translation

Eu sabia

I knew

Tudo que é nosso, volta um dia

Everything that is ours comes back one day

Algo me disse que voltaria

Something told me it would come back

O mesmo vento que levou te trouxe pra mim

The same wind that took you brought you back to me

Outra vez

Once again

Já sabia

I already knew

Que nesse mundo louco não iria

In this crazy world, I knew

Ficar sem meu abraço nenhum dia

I wouldn't go a day without my embrace

Você provou da solidão

You tasted loneliness

Não aguentou

You couldn't bear it

Pediu perdão

You asked for forgiveness

Eu sabia

I knew

Tentar fugir não adiantaria

Trying to escape wouldn't help

E que a saudade te consumiria

And that longing would consume you

Não sei porque tanta vontade de errar

I don't know why such a desire to make mistakes

Sentiu falta

You felt the absence

A saudade bateu

The longing hit

Desculpe mas eu já sabia

Sorry, but I already knew

Que nunca me esqueceria

That you would never forget me


It hurt

Seu peito doeu

Your chest hurt

Added by Gonçalo Pereira
Luanda, Angola September 9, 2024
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